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How to drive success

Jul 17, 2024

Every medical spa owner wants a high performing, profitable spa. They want to see growth and improvement month over month. Here’s the deal - high performing employees are what drive a high performing spa.

Managing and motivating employees can be tough. 

The biggest employee challenges medical spa owners face are:

  • Lack of motivation and engagement
  • High turnover
  • Low utilization and white space in the calendar
  • Inconsistent client treatments and outcomes
  • Low client retention rates

These challenges will lower your margins and ultimately negatively impact the bottom line.

So how do you face them head on? Use metrics to effectively manage and motivate your team. Implementing employee scorecards will lead to business growth and greater client satisfaction.

Unfortunately, most medical spa owners either aren’t tracking employee metrics at all or they aren’t effectively using them.

Employees are the lifeblood of a medical spa. Their performance can make or break your business. Implementing and using employee scorecards is crucial for driving high performance.

Here’s how:

  1. Set Clear Expectations:

    Start by clearly communicating the metrics you will be tracking and why they are important. Employees should understand how their performance will be measured and how it aligns with the spa's goals, so that everybody is on the same page and working toward the same thing.
  2. Provide Regular Feedback:

    Use the metrics to provide regular, constructive feedback to your employees. Celebrate successes and offer support and training in areas where improvement is needed. I recommend you touch base with employees weekly. The last thing you want to do is tell employees you’re tracking metrics and then never talk about them again. 
  3. Incentivize Performance:

    Money talks - tie pay to performance. Commissions, bonuses, or other recognition programs are all good options. These incentives will drive motivation and reinforce the importance of the metrics.
  4. Use Technology:

    Most spa management software already has reporting features built-in to help you track utilization, client satisfaction, retention, upsells, growth, etc. I like to pick 3-5 metrics that are most important for the employee’s performance and compile them in a Google Sheet weekly for each employee.
  5. Continuously Review and Adjust:

    Regularly review the metrics you are tracking to make sure they’re still relevant and aligned with your business goals. Be open to change if they aren’t helping move the business forward.

We can’t improve what we don’t focus on. Implementing a few metrics for each employee will not only foster a culture of accountability and continuous improvement but will also drive high performance in your spa.

Book a discovery call here to see how we can help you improve performance in your spa.

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